The most REALISTIC racing game series EVER!

User Rating: 10 | NASCAR Racing 2003 Season PC
I've played my fair share of Racing Games over the years, but none have ever been any more realistic than Papyrus' NASCAR Racing series!
NASCAR Racing has EVERYTHING I love in a racing game...
From the Vehicle physics, surface and environment conditions, right down to damage physics!
I loved playing the Need For Speed series especially when EA introduced performance affecting damage (in NFS4 - NFS6) which made it all part of the challenge. When NFS7 came out I was very disappointed because they took a massive step backwards from the direction NFS was taking (and that was awesome btw).
I remember playing the original game of NASCAR Racing before NFS ever came out and MAN was that COOL! Being a kid... Yeah! Love the mayhem you could cause in this game! As I got older it was that challenge of staying in one piece and winning the race!
Haven't place any of the installments between the original and 2003 but when I first played it... IMO I found it to be ten times better than the original!
Oh yeah that's the other thing I love about NASCAR Racing... PAINTSHOP!
And that got a whole lot better with just easy and flexible you could whip up a seriously cool paint job for your cars!

Papyrus' NASCAR Racing series is THE BOMB!