Belongs in a 30 year old arcade system.

User Rating: 2.3 | NASCAR Challenge GBC
Game Review-Gameboy Color-NASCAR Challenge

Review 32

Game Genre: Driving

Basic enough. You’re in a car, you drive, you try to beat all the other cars. There is only one game mode, and that’s the “Race” mode. A pretty low quality game.

The only thing shown while driving is a little stretch of road, cities in the background, and occasionally other cars if they can ever get close enough to you. The cars are only a single solid color, so there’s no way to tell who it is.

Very basic:

D-Pad: Turn left or right
A: Accelerate
B: Brake
Start: Pause

None whatsoever. There are only three courses to drive on and they all stink.

Difficulty: Extremely Easy
Any opposing cars are passed up within 10 seconds and the turns can be easily timed because there are always two arrows passed up before you have to turn.

Overall Score (2.25/10)