Great example of how hard NASCAR really is. Makes u get into the "Fine Tuning" process...

User Rating: 9.6 | NASCAR 08 PS3
The thing that separates all the other games form this one is the simulations style. On all of the older games u just barrel it down into the corner and hold the stick to the left. In this game you actually have to me smooth and fluid with your motions on the thumb stick. I am glad they brought back all of the flags including the black flag. I am also very satisfieds with the damage model and the roll physics i think they developed them very well. Another thing i think will be good is the way the Chase is layed out they let it teach you the ropes and get used to the game before you get too into the thick of things. Lastly I think the Car of Tomorrow is also a good adition because it give you the variation while still being able to race your favorite nascar nextel cup drivers. I am a little disapointed that they didn't get the COT makes onto the game.