"Amazing" A must get it right now game

User Rating: 8 | Naruto: Narutimate Hero 3 PS2
I simply think it is one of the best naruto games ever made. It sure beats Ultimate ninja's 1 and 2 by a long shot. The whole fighting sequence is amazing and of couarse differs from 1 and 2. One of the things that changed is that in ultimate mode there's only one time you can press triangle because in Ultimate Ninja 2 you can either press it 1, 2, or 3 times to do your Ultimate move. Another thing that is different is when you're doing the command or the spinning with the controlers if you get more than your opponent you interrupt it and it just suddenly cancels out. In Ninja 2
if you get more than your opponent it just reduces the damage. Oh yeah and the characters are awesome. It has new characters like The Four Sound Ninjas Kuernai, Asuma, The First, Second, and Fourth Hokages plus when in duel mode if your either one of the people that can transform like Naruto for example he becomes the Nine-Tailed Fox. So for all the people out there that like Naruto I'll recommend Naruto Ultimate Ninja 3.