The best Naruto game, period.

User Rating: 9.5 | Naruto: Narutimate Hero 2 PS2
So here we have Naruto ultimate ninja, only just released this year. Unless you've been living under a rock, you know about Naruto, so I wont explain it. But to be simple, Naruto is a popular anime and manga from Japan, that has recently been adapted into North America. Let's start this review shall we?

To start of, Naruto Ultimate ninja has some really good cel-shaded graphics. They really do look good, and each character looks exactly like their anime-counterparts. Also the game goes kinda by comic book style, and it's a really nice touch. Like when you use a certain weapon, the character slams the screen, and a comic book flips through, and the level is changed. It's cool, and looks great. Not only that, all the special jutsu's, while look like overkill, they look amazing, and are very well animated.

To start with the sound, this'll be a short little section. The sound has some good tunes, but unfortunatly, you'll be to busy focusing on battle to notice. The sounds of everything are great, from the kunai throwing (And coliding) to smacking the enemy. Also, the game has some amazing voice acting done by all the original voice actors, they really put heart into it, and it sounds really good as a result.

Now, the gameplay, the bread 'n butter of a video game. To sum up the gameplay simply, would be to say, put Naruto characters in Super smash brothers, but make it better. It's like SSBM in some ways, but less simple. there are a whole bunch of characters, over 35+ I think (I didin't count), each with their own special jutsus, and two jutsu's each. Each chcaracter has their own special stats, like Chouji, who is slow but strong, and people like Kiba, who are fast and wild, but not AS strong. Now each character can have supporting characters, these can be anyone from the roster, and then some (Sound four, Asuma, Iruka etc). Simply battle 3 times with a particular two characters, and you get to support with them. They are there for somtimes in battle to give you items, the most important is the helping hand one, which makes your support character use a jutsu on the foe. Now the levels, which are another big part, are great. Some are big, some are small, but overall it's a good selection, and great interaction. You can switch which side of the battlefield your on to, with a simple push of two buttons. The stages really do make the game a fun one.

To put simply, Naruto Ultimate ninja 2 is the single best Naruto game out there, if you like Naruto, you owe it to yourself to buy this game.