This game is worth buying. This game inmproved very greatly from the previous naruto cash of ninja revolution.

User Rating: 8.5 | Naruto: Clash of Ninja Revolution 2 WII
The story, multiplayer, and single player modes are great and realy fun to play. This is a great fighting game worth playing. Though there is no wi-fi, the 4 player battles are fun, also with the new tag-team mode. The very good part is that you barely need to know anything about naruto to play this game, because it has a brand new never before seen original story. The game has 35 characters, and out of the 35 characters the game mainly focuses on 2 characters very deeply, UNT Naruto, and SS Sasuke. Many think this game is a button smasher, but I disagree with that. This game is not supposed to be or meant to be a button smasher. Although, I admit the first game was clearly a button smasher, this game involves more techneques and new moves. Overall, this game can satisfy a gamer who loves fighting games. This game is worth buying.