who said Full Motion Video based adventures are dead?

User Rating: 9 | Mystery Case Files: 13th Skull (Collector's Edition) PC
i'm a huge fan of the adventure genre like point and click, i'm also very addicted to the hidden object games, this one mixes Full Motion Video (like old times) with hidden object, puzzles and adventure.

Graphics: very high quality and colorful, well designed, it's not 3D so the scenes are static but they are extremely well done, the addition of video with real actors really puts this game above competing Hidden Object games, the cutscenes are worth the price alone.

Sound: eerie sound effects, decent voice acting, great creepy music, unlike many games the music here never gets boring.

Gameplay: part puzzle solving, part hidden objects, part adventure, you are a detective and daddy was reading a story to his daughter when suddenly some supernatural force made him disappear, it's your job to find him.

you move through the mansion and outside in the city looking for clues (hidden objects), sometimes solving puzzles like putting together pieces of a map, moving 3 clock hands to open a door and so on, and of course the meat of the game, talk to people, the talking is done with Full Motion Video with real actors.


this is the best Hidden Object/Puzzle/Adventure game out there, with a great story too.

you can pick up the game anytime and play, no pretense, it's the perfect game if you play on a laptop or a netbook on the road, i'm sure some people will stop and look at your screen :-D

highly recommended!

thanks for reading my review.