Mucha Sucka Lucha

User Rating: 4.2 | Mucha Lucha! Mascaritas of the Lost Code GBA
This game has got to be made for those who are still in elementary school or at least wish that they were. You have your pick to play as one of three characters that are baisically the same. The story is pretty basic, you have to fight your way through countless numbers of easily vanquished foes as you search for a book that someone has stolen. Though oddly, the headmaster, or whoever he is, is holding you responsible for the book being stolen and if you don't get it back then you get expelled. But the story isn't the only flaw; the gameplay, if it can be called that, is as thought through and original as the storyline. The sound is as good as can be expected from a Gameboy game which means bad. Overall, not a good buy for someone who is out of kindergarten.