this game is not bad but still room for improvement. motogp 06 is a great game but where are the working gauges.

User Rating: 8.3 | MotoGP '06 X360
so i went to the store to buy motogp 06 and could not wait to get home to start playing it. turned on my 360 popped in the disk and i was off to bike land. this game all in all is a very good game,but not as good as i was hoping it to be. graphics are great , game play is great , sound is insane in 5.1 dd, but the only thing that they did not get right is why o why did they not put working gauges in the cockpit . im one for racing in this view and i just don't get it that they would not take the extra care and put them in. i dont know how fast im going unless i change to third person view which i hate. one thing i don't get is the earlier games for xbox, motogp, motogp2 and 3 had them ,and that was on a less powerful system. its just not that real to me doing moc 3 and still reading 0 mph. playing on live is amazing there is the odd lag now and then but still tons of fun. this game is worth the 80 bucks if u can look past its small problems.