This is one awful FPS!

User Rating: 3 | Mortyr 2093 - 1944 PC
I hate to trash any game but this is awful!

The graphics for the time were awful. At the time it was released we'd already had game like Unreal, Unreal Tournament, Serious Sam, Quake II etc etc... what were the developers thinking??? I know it was a budget game but there's budget and there's just don't bother releasing it to the world budget. Now which one do you think this is?

The levels were very dull with nothing out of the ordinary going on it them.
It was just one level after the other, all the levels have little variety and are forgettable!

The AI was so bad it was laughable. The AI of course would respond to sight and sounds but by running backwards and forwards. Hmmmm

The sound was below standard and the music when you first hear it makes you scream hysterically and scramble to the sound options.

Now to the bugs and the main bug was just unforgivable!
The game would slow down to an absolute crawl for no reason and the developer even admitted to it but did nothing to fix it.
There was also problems with the copyright protection as well. LOL LOL LOL...copyright protection on this game....what was the point.
Anyway it wouldn't install if you were using a DVD drive or a CD drive that wasn't the first CD/DVD drive in the system.

Avoid this game like the plague!