Monster Hunter Tri would be a decent game if it weren't so horrible

User Rating: 4.5 | Monster Hunter Tri WII
Usually, I spend a lot of time crafting a review, but, frankly, I don't feel that Monster Hunter Tri is worth my time. I really, really wanted to like this game. It looked like my cup of tea and got decent reviews, so I was suckered into dropping $30-plus on it. Big mistake.

I have never in my life been so frustrated with a game's control system. Yes, they even package it with the classic controller in a premium package if you want to pay $20 more for it. I suppose that's a nice little hint for those considering this pickup. No, I do not have the classic controller, and, frankly, I'd rather immerse my feet in boiling oil than try to play this thing with the Wii motion controller and nunchuck.

The biggest problem occurs when you're attacking something. You jump in, sword flashing, and then suddenly, you're pointed in the wrong direction to be able to attack. So you have hit at least one button and then spin yourself around to continue attacking. But guess what? Now the monster is running away and you find yourself pointed the wrong way again.

And when you're running around exploring, the camera has a mind of its own, so you're constantly forced to readjust to be able to see where the heck you're going.

When I hear my 13-year-old growling because she can't even figure out how to exit the game, I know it's bad.

No, Monster Hunter Tri, I will never attempt to play you again. This is a rotting, stinking pile of wasted money. I will be returning it to GameStop first thing tomorrow morning.