After so many rave reviews I'm really disappointed with this game. If you like farming and not much fighting then maybe.

User Rating: 3 | Monster Hunter Tri WII
This was the reason I bought another Wii having previously sold mine because of a lack of games. After reading so many great reviews about this game I have to say I'm not seeing the hype.

The game is difficult yea, but you are really let down by the controls, the mapping of the controls is awful. Not all the buttons are utilized, a legacy of the PSP I would imagine.

The graphics are ok, not as great as everyone says but I guess its ok for Wii. It's only redeeming feature is online play but really it's just sharing the same crappy game with up to four others.

I know I'm opening myself up to a lot of fanboy bashing here but I just wanted to get my opinion out there and possibly save someone the time drain i've put 20 or so hours in and its already so repetitive. Farm, kill monster, go back to same locations same farming, slightly different monsters.

Ultimately If you want a real hardcore RPG/MMO then get Demon's Soul's its about a billion times better than this garbage.

Sorry fanboys