A decade after the game's release, it's still entertaining. But it suffers from a difficult interface.

User Rating: 6 | Monopoly Tycoon PC
As of today, this game has been released for nearly 10 years. A game just has to be good when you're still drawn to playing it 10 years later, and this game is. I remember getting this game a long time ago and I just found it lying around one day when I was cleaning my room and remembered the fun I had with it. So I just had to pop it in and try it again. It's worth it.

Monopoly Tycoon takes real time strategy to an extreme here. It's a fast paced challenge you would imagine the board game to be in real life. Building business, setting stock amounts and costs. Location is always an important factor, as the citizens tend to flock to certain areas, especially when there's lots of good businesses in a specific district. Putting a toy store on a common route that children take to and from school is just an example of good business savvy. With new business types becoming available as time goes by, there's always a way to drive customers to your district and away from your competitors. Or you might just want to set up your own high quality jewelry store next to your opponent's jewelry store, and undercut their prices to bring in the easy money. There's so many different strategies to take and half the fun is finding out what works and what doesn't.

After playing the game for 10-20 hours though, you begin to realize a fundamental flaw that sadly makes this game broken. The interface can be VERY annoying with how unintuitive it is. There are 3 map views and you will find yourself constantly switching between them in a mad rush to get different bits of information. What products are in demand? Where are all the other Clothing Stores located? How much is your opponent selling their stuff for? What's the most profitable business in this city block? How much land rent is being payed in this city block? How much does it cost to lease it? Auction bell! Quick! Is that railroad worth bidding on!? Those are the questions that will race through your mind 30 times over and over. Your competition will constantly be adjusting their prices every day to undercut you. You have check your price VS the competitor's price constantly for every business you own. Which can become very difficult when you're running 10-20 businesses and you have to consider how low you're able to go before your business becomes unprofitable. You do this by switching through different map views, madly trying to rush through the interface before the business day starts. This game can be fun, but these interface problems make it more of a hassle even when you're playing on Easy difficulty.