Great game!!

User Rating: 8.8 | MLB 07: The Show PS2
Great game, what more is there to say. The Road to the Show mode is more addicting than Maddens superstar mode, and the although I didn't play MLB 06 (I was playing MVP 2005) the franchise mode is deep, especially from a business point of view. Overall the game is great, it would take too long to list all of the amazing things in the game. So I will just list the tiny flaws, because I know that's why people read reviews. One thing I'm not big on is how you can't really update rosters yourself. I'm one of the people out there who can't get online so updating the rosters completely is hard to do since you have to drop players to pick up the other ones. But it's not that big of a deal. Another is that the announcers can be a bit, well dated when talking about some batters. I was playing with the Blue Jays and Glaus came up to the plate and the commentary said something about the D-Backs. 2 years late but again minor. And the only other thing that I have found not very good is base running in Road to the Show. I don't know if I just suck at it but the camera really doesn't let you know where the ball is, when it's hit you have to go by what you may have briefly saw, and the commentary. But besides those little things this a great game and anyone who loves baseball should get this game.