well bought and played, only flaw is the tutorials

User Rating: 8.3 | MLB 07: The Show PS3
yo everyone, this is my first baseball game i've had for all my ps systems. this game is surprising good, am able to feel the excitement althought it's just a game. There's a lot of teams to choose from and also nationals teams. However there's no tutorial at all, other than the tips so it's kind of hard for a new comer like me to adapt to it. anyway i've tried learning by watching videos from youtube.

Pros: Good excitement as a sports game Audience and crowds look realistic and good Great speeches and sound enjoyable music during the starting screen

no tutorials
graphics of grass are pretty bad but i wont blame since there shudn't even be standing grass on a baseball stadium
little facial expression
unbalanced AI
not a very good system for batting. always miss
online looks very bad, connection error always.

OVerall it's a good game especially if ur a baseball fan and own a ps3, it's a must get. some things might disappoint you but it's an overall good experience. SONY first party game had nv fail me yet.