If you want an MLB game this year, this is the one. MLB: The Show puts MLB 2k6 for the 360 to shame!

User Rating: 9.1 | MLB 06: The Show PS2
Graphics: The graphics are typicall PS2, there not amazing but the animations are solid and dont pause one bit. The stadiums are done just right with the perfect day time shadows and grass layouts. The players at bat sport all there real world counterparts atire from the batting gloves to the way they wear there socks. Dirt kicks up when the players run and there uniforms get dirty and stay dirty. Dont expect some cheesy fatty cloth movements in this game. It really seams that SCEA Sports worked on improveing a good baseball game while 2k sports worked on trashing a great baseball series.

Sound: The sounds is good but not great. The crowds says some pretty good things from time to time, i just wish the commentators where more timed. The crack of the bat sounds authentic and is very pleasing when smashing a hum dinger. The in game sound track is the best I have heard in a baseball game since well I dont know when, hmmm.

Gameplay: The gameplay mechanics are the same from last years game so dont expect a great leap here, I say whats not broke dont fix. The gameplay has made my desicsion easier in choosing agaisnt a FLAWED 360 2k6 game to this PS2 wonder!

The Fun: You will have a ball, esp. when playing against some buddies or a buddie online. This game is exciting particulary due to the sound of the bat when your buddy tries to put a 2 out 2 strike curve ball on you and u smash it for a home run in the 11th inning! Dont forget "The Show" mode you will enjoy that for a nice long time playing this game. Enjoy this is the only worth buying baseball game on the market and its only on the PS2 then again who doesnt own a PS2.