This is by far the BEST Mlb game out on this platform so far. SO GO OUT AND GET IT!!

User Rating: 9 | MLB 06: The Show PS2
After playing other MLB titles, this is by far the best one yet. The other games are moderately simple, but this one is not so easy, which is good. Every thing is great about this game from the fans, different cut scenes at the end of plays, and the umps so a little more life then other games. The only bad thing i have to say about this game is that the Yankees have a number 18 on their team now, Johnny Damon, the traitor. The different types of games are awesome, with the introduction of the king of the diamond which is pretty much like king of the hill. The coolest part of the game, i think, is the different camera angles it has now that tracks the balls going down the line to see if it will stay fair or go foul. All in all, this is the best baseball game that is out right now. Go get it and enjoy.