If you have a few hours to spare try this

User Rating: 6.1 | Mission X INTV
I am having a hard time rating all my old Intellivision games. One of the reasons is the replay ability of each game. A lot of these games didn’t last long due to the no save option of the era. Another reason is actually looking at the graphics compared to today’s standards. Instead of constantly complaining about those graphics, I will emphasize more on the gameplay and most of all fun. This game is very simplistic. You’re flying a P-38 Lightning World War II fighter plane. Shooting your way from stage to stage., the game doesn’t get too difficult as you always have a way out by either avoiding collisions or bullets. If you find you can’t avoid getting your plane getting destroyed there’s always the special move which is basically a loop. You’ll get hours of fun but there’s better shooters out there that is an improvement of this game like 1942 or Xevious. By the way I am really disappointed you can’t add this game to your collection.