Good game for 2003, pretty annoying for 2008

User Rating: 7 | Mission: Impossible: Operation Surma XBOX
Just getting around to playing this 2003 game now in 2008. Thinking back to that time, the original somewhat similar Splinter Cell was just out, and probably overshadowed this game at the time which is why I never heard of this game until I saw it real cheap.

It's actually a pretty good game and story. But I am glad they do not make games like this anymore as I cannot stand the trial and error type of gameplay that this old game has. I just don't have the patience with this old checkpoint/save point systems. Basically it works by throwing you into a level not knowing what to do, and you do what you can until you die, and then you restart at the last checkpoint, redo everything all over again and hopefully go a little further, and then redo it, redo it and redo it until you finally get to the next check point. Ugh!!!

The controls are also incredibly clunky, and really frustrating with the slow moving animations. For example, you will be getting shot at while going from the animation of climbing a ladder to walking with no way to make it go faster. Ugh!!!

But I did like the game enough to get through the whole game, although there was a few times of retrying for the 100th time the same level that I was about to give up.

In Summary, for a 2003 game it's pretty good if you have patience and not expect too much. The story and gadgets are a nice change of pace from a Splinter Cell game. (PS: And the music was pretty good too)