Mirrors Edge

User Rating: 9 | Mirror's Edge PS3
One word describes this game; Amazing.
If your looking for a game like Assassins Creed (hopping around on rooftops, climbing up buildings), Mirrors Edge is for you. This game gave me chills each and every mission. The Campaign blew me away, and probably has one of the best storylines in a game. I'm definitely waiting to see a Sequel. Worth buying? Definitely. If you don't have this game, or if you haven't played it, what are you waiting for? This game is a Solid 9. I've also heard Frostbite 2.0 was developed with some of the Visual designs from Mirrors Edge. Dynamics, graphics, etc.
This game is unique, and is definitely worthy of the rating i'm giving it. If you don't believe me, try it for yourself.
Faith is also a kickass character. The controls are easy to master, and learning how to fight like a pro in this game is rewarding.