How can Might and magic VII For blood and honour match today's RPG's?

User Rating: 8.3 | Might and Magic VII: For Blood and Honor PC
Usaully when ppl mention RPG's, one tend's to think of Baldur's gate and Elder scroll's.
So why would anyone buy Might and magic??
Strangely enough i would.
I won't lie to, Might and Magic VII for blood and honour is a very simplistic game, but sometime's the most simple game's , are the most enjoyable.
First thing which was great about MMVII , is the price, and let's face it, we all like a good bargain, imo that is what MMVII is.
MMVII remind's me of Legend's of valour , which use to be on the commodore Amiga.(which is not a bad thing)
The game start's you out on a small island, where you learn the basic's , how to fight and cast spell's, basically do a few blue milk run's , to get you into the feel of thing's.
Once you leave the first island, you are taken to your new town(which need's some serious cleaning up).
Compared today's RPG's, MMVII obviously can't match up to most of them, but for the price and the lastability of the game, i do think it's a worth while purchase, sort of take's you back to your old PC or Amiga day's.
If you have a spare £2-£3 kicking about, and your bored, try this, it's quite addictive and fun game to play.