When I first saw it, I was WTH? But, then I got a big surprise...

User Rating: 9 | Michael Jackson's Moonwalker GEN
December 1990. I was finding some game for Christmas. I chose to buy one to Genesis. It's the holidays, so game stores had a gigantic collection of this games. I found a lot of games that interested me, but I was not sure. Then I saw a black game box with a man on it, in the top shelf. I asked to the shop's employee to bring me the game. When I got it on my hands, and looked to Michael Jackson's face on the cover, and a game called Moonwalker... I thought I would have a heart attack! I just bought it. When I got home, I started playing, and I was really surprised! It was actually good! Well, there are somethings that suck. I will explain:

Gameplay - 9: The game has a fluid control and a fast-paced gameplay. But sometimes, it's hard to explain what to do. In stage 2, there is a sewer that to access it, instead of just pressing down, you have to spin. Well, ok, that's forgivable, but the same repeats in stage 5. Ok, ok... A spins / does special attack, B attacks and C jumps.

Sound - 10: No need to explain - IT'S FREAKIN MICHAEL JACKSON!!

Graphics - 9.7: Today, it's nothing special, but back on that time, it was graphics at its best....... Wwwellllll, somethings are not right, like the bad guys are generic and the kids are always the same (girls named Katie)

Value / Concept - 7: Back then it was just the most mind-blowing thing we, then kids, ever played. But now, isn't it weird to play as Michael Jackson? I think kids don't wanna play it, even if Jackson is dead. By the way, I can say RIP Michael Jackson, you are a musical god. We love you, with love, Peter.

FINAL NOTE - 9: It's easily a Genesis classic. With only some things that suck, but it's forgivable. So just enjoy this even-weird, but great game, and have a great day!