A franchise that should be in every Metroid fans collection of games!

User Rating: 10 | Metroid Prime Trilogy WII
I got this game, I have completed all of them, really amazing games all of them. Metroid Prime 2 is the weak link in this collection, but its still incredible, it just doesn't have as much of a lush environment as the others have, and theres ammo in that one as well, but all in all a really great game. My favorite is the first one of course, it's just perfect in every way. It's a must buy. And did I mention this games are super pretty to look at, but unfortunately that doesn't take bad taste away from the franchise that is, Metroid Other M! And I must say I hope Nintendo does everything in their power to redeem this franchise, by first not letting Team Ninja produce another Metroid game ever again, and second getting Retro Studios back for another Metroid game! Anyways if you come across this game at a store, buy it right away, because it is hard to find now.