I never disagreed with a Gamespot reviewer more then I do with Metro: Last Light.

User Rating: 6 | Metro: Last Light (Limited Edition) PC
I really couldn't believe when I sat down to play Metro: last light that it was the same game I read the review on at Gamespot that got a 9.0!! Immediately I checked the name of the game to make sure I was playing the same game, haha. Yes, I was playing the same game unfortunately. Okay, Metro: Last Light in simple words just plain sucks!!! I'm an open-minded gamer and I just couldn't believe this game got anything over a 7.5 at best.

Graphics: The graphics of the post apocalyptic world are bland and dull. I honestly had to check the date on when the game got released to make sure it came out in 2013. This game looks like it was one of the first titles to come out on Playstation 3 back in 2006. I just don't understand the reviews, I mean the smoke, the explosions, the character models are all really dull. I fought some wolves and spiders that looked like they came straight out of the original DOOM.

Gameplay: Metro: Last Light tries to be a FPS and a Stealth game at the same time. The NPC's are so dumb that you can easily walk by them. There was this one part of the game where I had to get from point A to point B through an indoor warehouse with NPC's all around. Instead of actually using stealth to complete the mission, I literally just walked in the shadows on the side to the end of the level. Nobody caught me, in fact one time I was 3 feet in front of an enemy and he couldn't see me!!! I couldn't believe how bad this game sucks. I did find some fun in blasting enemies with my weapons though. Crappy animals come out of the woodwork and you have to blast them and it's pretty repetitive but it's not bad blowing them away, at least you get plenty of ammo at your disposal. Other then that you always go from point A to point B there is hardly any real exploration here.

Story: They say this game has atmosphere but if your hoping to feel like you did when you first played Resident Evil or Silent Hill you won't. It does have a little atmosphere though. As you walk through the post-apocalyptic underground you'll meet lots of people and when you get out of the tunnels to the top you'll have to put on your gas mask to breathe the air. The story about finding the Dark One or whatever is the only thing keeping me coming back to this game!!!

All-in-All: Don't believe the hype and I wouldn't pay more then $20 for this game.