Metro Exodus - Very dissapointing

User Rating: 4 | Metro Exodus PC

So like many other I've been waiting a long time for this game and now it is finally here. It has RTX. I have a RTX 2080 Ti, still in 2k or 4k I choose not to use RTX because it does not make the game look better.

Regarding gameplay - very dissapointed. You will find yourself in an enviroment where you randomly encounter monsters, which you can sometimes avoid, depending on... no it's just random. Your character can barely run 50m without his heart pounding and getting out of breath. You have the worst weapons ever. Even if you fire the AK47 at a mutant who is naked you need to shoot absurdly many bullets, even headshot, maybe three headshots will kill a mutated human. Makes no sense. The entire gamplay feels very slow and heavy... like you are really out of shape. Your character cannot swim. If you fall into water you will get a short "cutscene" like from a guy that cannot swim and acts like an completely idiot in water. Very annoying.

Many said it's an open world-ish experience. No. It's just a map outside the metro tunnels, to me it does not feel like an open world game at all.

There are a lot of glitches. Ex. one soldier was just walking on air.

I do not recomend buying this game now at full price, wait until it gets around 30€.