A great game as all MGS games are

User Rating: 10 | Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes PS3

Hideo Kojima’s Metal Gear Solid franchise is undoubtedly one of the biggest out there. So the release of a new numbered title in the franchise is definitely a big deal.

Ground Zeroes’ storyline consists of just one mission with two objectives. Once that mission is completed, the credits roll and you get a “To Be Continued in The Phantom Pain” message. The first time playing through the mission can take a player about 1-2 hours. My own playthrough lasted 84 minutes, 51 seconds, but only because I just happened to stumble upon the right place by accident. The mission is challenging because you’re basically dropped in the enemy encampment and it’s entirely up to you to determine how to proceed. You can go in guns blazing or you can go in full stealth. You get a waypoint for the first objective, but for the second you’re blind and must sleuth your way to the finale. There are a few extra things you can do such as find hidden patches or rescue other prisoners, but it’s nothing too in-depth. The gameplay is actually really tight and polished, and is easily the most immersive Metal Gear Solid game I’ve ever played. After the credits roll, up to five side missions are unlocked for you to try. However, these missions are not tied to the story in any significant way and serve as nothing more than filler. They have a variety of objectives and all take place in the same area, only during different times of day. The PlayStation 4 version has a dynamic weather system for these side missions which adds some cool variety to them.

Graphically, this is easily the most impressive 8th generation game I’ve ever seen

A must buy game, and any MGS fan would love this game.

Another masterpiece