If you didn't like the controls, just keep trying. Like I did. It is actually a great game!!!

User Rating: 9 | Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops PSP
First of all, why am I writing this late? lol. I hate the controls. I tried and tried and couldn't like the controls.

I even use the peace walker style controls and still didn't like it. Finally for the nth time, I just stick to the original controls and it grow on me. So stick with the original controls.

So the review. This game is awesome. It's right up there with Peace Walker in terms of story. It has some important information and bridges some missing gaps in the MGS storyline. Won't spoil. Check it out. Very interesting. Portable ops and Peace walker are both important part of the MGS series, especially Big Boss'. It makes you understand more about him.

The story is short, you can breeze right away on your second playthrough. First playthrough would be long obviously since you'll be recruiting soldiers and whatnot. The main story is alittle bit longer than the main story of Peace walker. It should take you about 15 hrs more or less.

The gameplay. This is where either you hate this game and won't play it. Or give it a chance and it will grow on you. I was the latter. I hated this game. I almost gave up. Luckily I stick around to give it a chance a couple of times. First stick to the default controls.

The camera is controlled using the directional button. L trigger is for Lock-on. You have to use this and master it. It is one of the most useful function in the game. Use it on all the boss fights. Just be sure to be close enough to trigger the lock-on.

Cqc and Holding 'em up/freeze. Man, I hated the cqc in this game at first. I came from playing Mgs3 to this then drop it. Pick Peace walker and this again and still hated it. lol. The cqc in this game is kinda tricky but it's actually cool. Pair it up with the "freeze" mechanic and it works wonders. What you do is run towards the enemy and when they turn to face (like they always do), for a split second you can grab them with the square then square + analog stick and you can slam them to the ground. Then once on the ground you freeze them with the L or lock on trigger and they won't move at all. You can leave them and they won't make a fuss anymore. This way, it is more effective than knocking them out since they will just wake up later on. If you freeze them while on the ground, they will remain like that until you finish your mission in that stage.

While on the ground, you can shoot near their mid section and they will shake their body to an drop item. On the other hand when they are standing up, aim your gun at their head while facing them using the first person view (R button) and they will also drop an item.

You can also do the cqc with the doctors and engineers. But you have to be very very fast when they face you. Also you can't freeze them since they will alert the guards. Best if you choke them. That's my tip. Tactical reload btw is, hold L then press O or equipment button.

Graphics. Wow. first time I played this game, I was impress with the graphics. It was almost as good as Mgs3. Especially in that first part where he is in jail and half naked. The 3d model of snake was very similar to snake in Mgs3. Cutscene are pretty nice and stylish. You can fast forward the cutscene with the Triangle button.

To close this review, this game is pretty good. I got the digital version. Bought the MGS bundle on the psn with the mgs graphic novel and mgs po plus. If you just finish MGS peace walker and want to play more mgs games, then this game is worth a look. For Mgs fans it's not really a must play if you don't own a psp, it's ok to miss it IMO (but if you have a psp then go get this game now! lol).

It's a good game with a steep learning curve for the controls, but once mastered, it is a pretty addicting game and it's really good. I say give this game a chance to shine and grow on you.

Psp owners who isn't a big mgs fan might be loss with the story, but nonetheless it's worth it if you can get it cheap. I won't guarantee you will like it but it's worth a look.