What does it mean to be simply blown away?

User Rating: 10 | Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots (Platinum) PS3
At certain times in life you wouldn't ask a question if you didn't already have an answer. So, when one is forced to ask "What does it mean to be simply blown away?" This question only comes from already having an answer. Metal Gear Solid 4. Skepticism is an instinctive reaction when people describe the incredibility of this video game, but it's not until I tell you that I literally shed tears, that you'd begin to understand the significance of these words. Metal Gear Solid 4 is something you can't afford to allow yourself to miss out of on. This game spares no detail, and it has been a long since someone decided to put so much dedication and time and heart into creating a piece of entertainment software as immersive and impressive as this game. Metal Gear Solid 4 marks the time when the true meaning of Next Gen began to arrive. A masterpiece. 10/10.