Very good shooting game!

User Rating: 7.7 | Metal Arms: Glitch in the System GC
In this game you play as a little droid created by the mysterious morbots after a group of droids find and repair him he is determind to defend droid town and find away to shut down all milbots and General Corrossive. This game has a neat cast of characters other than the hero Glitch for example Zobbie the driving dog' Krunk the mechanical genious' Colonel Alloy the leader of the droids' Agent Shhhh' And Shady and Mr.Pockets the salespeople who actually flick you off sometimes if you leave them without buying anything. There are cool weapons in this game for example the tether gun which you can use to hijack milbots' Flamethrower' and even homing grenades called cutters. There is even a level where you can hijack General Corrosive! This game has 42 levels'(which each take about an hour to learn how to play and win)and a great multiplayer so if you are a shooter fan or Halo fan buy it or rent it at least.(It is for PS2' Gamecube' and XBOX)