megaman is back again yes again for who nows how many times

User Rating: 9.6 | Mega Man Battle Network 5: Team Colonel GBA
To start off, Megaman Battle Network 5 changes the normal gameplay that you've seen and played in the other Battle Networks. In the other ones, you would be told about an evil navi and where he is and you go beat him. Well, in this one it's alot different. In both Battle Network 5s, you do 'liberation missions', in which you must liberate dark panels and dark holes to defeat the boss navi at the end. Each dark panel has viruses in it. Also, you don't only control Megaman on this one. You also control 5 other Navis, Colonel, Knightman, Shadowman, Numberman, and Toadman.
Each one has their own special ability while doing a liberation mission. Colonel has ScreenDivide, which liberates a 3x1 section of dark panels. Knightman blocks and ally near him if they are going to get hit with an enemies special. Shadowman can walk over dark panels and also use a move to go behind an enemy that's over a dark panel and damage them greatly. Numberman uses NumberCheck which checks a 2x3 set of panels for traps and items, removing traps and giving you the items. Toadman uses a melody to allow the navi who gets it to attack a 5x1 section of dark panels.
All in all, this game improves on alot that the other MMBNs lacked. This is a great game and I recommend it to all Megaman fans.