These games are underrated. Double Team is a two in one deal and holds the best in the series.

User Rating: 9.7 | Mega Man Battle Network 5: Double Team DS DS
People say these games are too much like the ones before. The ones before were awesome so this game is awesome. It holds both the gba versions of 5. After you beat one you can trade your navi's from one version to the other. This game is so fun and addicting that once you pick it up you don't want to put it back down. The customization of your battle chips are endless. Also as you progress through the game you can play as other navi's. (Protoman, Magnetman etc.) but the navi's depend on which version. Megaman can get something called the dublsoul. You use a certain chip (lightning chip-magnetman) and sacrafice it so you combine with the navi for three turns and get their style and power. The graphics are a little low standard for the DS (best system) but they are really good anyway and they are underrated. The sound is just geat with the 2 speakers that are on the DS. It is almost the best sounding game for it. The only bad thing is the voice when you jack in the computer and win a battle. The box says voice ins from the tv show but that isnt necessarily a good thing. It's annoying and you should be embarassed if your playing in public and someone hears it. Other than that this is a great game for the DS and you should definately buy this. What are you waiting for buy it!!