What's missing, graphics thats all.

User Rating: 8.5 | Mega Man Battle Network 5: Team Colonel GBA
Team Colonel is a great game anyone who's a Megaman fan should get this game but if you plan to start buying Megaman games don't let this one be first because it's really different than the others.Ok now on the details, The gameplay is great but when not on a liberating mission everything is the same as in the old Megaman games which isn't good at all but at least the liberating missions make up for it.The liberating missions are great but sometimes since it's kind of like a puzzle it can get frustrating because they give you a certain amount of turns to complete it in and if you do complete it them they'll give you a battle chip or something but if you don't complete it they'll give you a low amount of Zennys.The graphics are still the same so that's that.The sound is great but the panic music is still there and if you don't know the panic music is really annoying.The Value hmmmmmm I'd say that this game would be good to have or keepif you're a big Megaman fanboy or girl and if you reallly want to try to get all the battle chips,programs and whatever than yea keep it.So in conclusion I'd say it's great but you must be experienced to play it at the same time and that's like all.