Highly Underrated series

User Rating: 9.7 | Mega Man Battle Network 5: Double Team DS DS
Battle Network 5: Double Team DS is a vast improvement over the GBA games. For anyone who hasn't played the BN games before, this game is a great place to start.

Gameplay: 10/10

Classic BN gameplay, with DS-exclusive improvements that make the game much more enjoyable. The ability to use the touch screen to edit chip folders, edit programs, and even being able to view the map while navigating cyberspace is a major improvement. I've clocked in 50+ hours on just one game because there is so much to do on this game.

Graphics: 9/10

The graphics have undergone a major facelift since the first game in the series. Environments are much more colorful, animations are much better, and the overall look of the game (including the 3D Megaman on the touch screen) is much better

Sound: 10/10

Perhaps the most noticeable improvement in the game. The sound has been overhauled from the GBA version. The problem with the GBA version was the music was VERY washed down. Thanks to the DS features, the music sounds a lot better. The ability to change the music by inserting other Battle Network games in the GBA slot is a nice added bonus. The voice acting in the game was needed because the previous games were silent.

Value: 9/10

Without a doubt, this game is worth picking up because of the inclusion of both versions of the game, as well as the DS-specific improvements.

Reviewers Tilt: 10/10

Kudos to Capcom for utilizing the DS features to improve an otherwise unremarkable series. Here's hoping that the next installation in the series gets similar treatment