You'll never beleive how much action is crammed in this Gameboy game

User Rating: 9.8 | Mega Man Battle Network 3 Blue GBA
I got this game because I saw the show a couple times and the story was pretty cool. But I never imagined how this measly little gameboy game could have more to its storyline then most of the gamecube games I own. It took me 99 hours to beat the story line which lands you one out of 7 stars. In the story your Lan a boy of the future where the internet runs everything and people use computer programs, who have emotions just the same as people do, to do regular day things. Your's is Megaman, who was made from the memories of your dead brother. You have to save the world from a horrible program which is taking control of millitary weapons and what not to destroy the world. After that there is a continuation of the story, just not anything that big, but still lots of fun. Its by far one of the greatest games I own with about 290 different battle chips to power up MegaMan plus different styles, and upgrades to program him with. Easily the best 15 dollars money can buy.