Better than the last Medival Total War game (did I spell Medival right)

User Rating: 9.2 | Medieval: Total War - Viking Invasion PC
An All-Around Great Game but could use some new flare

Gameplay:The Campaign Mode is Enhanced with The Viking Campaign and you can still do the older versions campaigns. This could use some newer units and it would be cool if you could be the Mongols Or the Swiss. But Still Excellent Gameplay.

Graphics: The part that takes away from the game. The Units Can be Shaky and the shields and spears don't look to great, but well. The Buildings and Siege Engines have the best graphics.

Sound: Pretty good. During battle you have a advisor that for some of you that don't know a advisor gives you advice>( D D D) When you exacute enemy troops it sounds pretty disgusting. The units fighting sound allright although some sound more like animals than humans. A Great Game but The Graphics take away from it. If your a Great Graphics kind of guy Your missing out on something fun.