Poor graphics, poor storyline - more of a chase game then a war game. unneeded profanity-disappointing.

User Rating: 5.5 | Medal of Honor: Warfighter X360
Very disappointed with this game. It had way to many chase scenes very little combat scenes. The story line left a lot to be desired. Why all the profanity? Totally reflects the lack of English language knowledge. Very little good combat play. This is all regarding the single player mode. Waste of time and money. It appears this game was sold on the name "Medal of Honor" unfortunately it does not live up to it. The scenes are way too long I bought a game to play - not watch a movie! The ratings reflect the grade I would give but I wish I would have seen them first.

The ending was pathetic - a grade "B" chick flick at best. Has anyone developing these game ever been in the military? It certainly appears not!
A lot more weapons are used than rifles and pistols. I can't remember any time I breached a door. This game spends more time breaching doors than finding the enemy.