What this game lacks in inovation it makes up for in StYlE.

User Rating: 8 | MechAssault 2: Lone Wolf (Limited Edition) XBOX
Mech Assault was one of the very first games for the xboxlive and also one of the most popular if I may say so myself. Mech Assault 2 hits home on alot of aspects of the original. 1. Some of the same mechs but a little different design. 2. Same modes as the original. 3. Same fun as the original. Here are some good points of Mech Assault 2 1. Awsome Lush Graphics. 2. Just as fun if not funner than the original. 3. Now you have special aromour you can use to jack mechs. 4. Now you can exit your mechs. Now for the bad things. 1. Lacks a polished XBL expierence (waiting for other players becomes boring) 2. Storyline feels unfinished and unoriginal 3. ThE WaTeR is WeIrD Now I hope I helped you find out if you will buy this game or not it is an awsome game you just have to get used to it.