Max Payne 3, a game far from error.

User Rating: 8.5 | Max Payne 3 PC
I've played Max Payne 3 long time ago. In fact, I can't remember when I played it. Max Payne 3 is the best game comparing it with the earlier games in Max Payne Series. Changing from a normal bodyguard into a gangster bodyguard changed the game and made it very interesting. In my opinion, changing Max Payne into an RPG game will make it better and better. Graphics in this game are great, its difficulty is studied and everything is like what a gamer wants. I haven't read comments on it but I think that nobody have bad comments on Max Payne 3. Rockstar games and studios is one of the best of the best. People should put Max Payne 3 in the best games list then wait to Max Payne 4 (if there's any) and play it. The only bad thing was in the Story Line. When Max sees the man with long her on fire and can't rescue him. I wish he had options. In general, its a great game far from errors.