A Bullet To to the Mind

User Rating: 10 | Max Payne 3 PS3
Max Payne 3 is A very Hard to describe Game its a no holds barred shooter And then an emotional story about a Man trying to rebuild his life from the Troubled times of his past. In short Max Payne 3 is a game deserved to be played as it is on of a kind. This shooter has Max Step away from New Jersey and Step into The crime infested Fave las of Brazil as a bodyguard for Rodrigo Bran co a millionaire and his wife which sets in motion a large rampage of redemption in which blood is shed,pills are popped and bullets are shot . One of many things we love about max is bullet time which is better then ever as every shot feels powerful and it look brilliant and so does every thing else . This game is a perfect example of beauty as it is gargantuan this game has got wide open atmospheres in both game and multi player which is put simply chaotic. Albeit Max Payne 3 is a great game and should be played.