Cinematic and awesome.

User Rating: 9 | Max Payne 3 PC

People complain about Max Payne 3's cinematics, saying it's not a game because of it, and there's too much to be fun. So... How were the original Max Payne games with the comics any different? Max Payne 3 is the same great Max Payne you enjoyed in 2001 and '03 with movies replacing the old comic style and some cover mechanics.

Max Payne 3 has some of the most attractive and polished gameplay I've ever seen in a game. A few hics here and there, but gunplay is great. Bullet time is just as useful and cover mechanics give Max some breathe room. The only bad thing I can say about the gunplay is that you cannot move when aiming in cover.


Best graphics this generation. Plus this game is really well optimized for PC, so if you've got a mid range rig, (Sapphire 6870 for me) you can play the game with a mostly solid 60 FPS on high settings (MSAA off). You will be nothing but impressed by the graphical showcase this game shows off.


Amazing graphics, gameplay, cinematics show more story and Max's emotions, and voice acting.


Cannot move while aiming in cover and you cannot skip many cutscenes if you want to go through the game a second time.
