The PS2 version falls short from the PC version but if you don't have a capable PC the PS2 version its worth checking.

User Rating: 6.7 | Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne PS2
Max Payne 2 its a brilliant game, almost everything its perfect apart of its short story, but great while it lasts, unfortunetly the PS2 version its kind of a let down from the PC version, it lacks the great graphics and the controls are much better on the PC version and the better controls make the action better. Max Payne 2 Its not a bad game at all for the PS2 its a nice game and worth checking out if you don't have access to the PC version, the story its short but great, the game doesn't look bad and the sound its ok, the game also as some extras to make you play some more after you finish the story mode. But playing max payne with dual shock 2 can be complicated and sometimes frustrating, the graphics are nice looking but required more attention. You should rent this game since its short and you'll finish it quikly.

Gameplay - 6 playing maxpayne on PS2 can get frustrating
Graphics - 7 nice looking needing some work
Sound - 7 not bad and not good
Value - 7 its too short but it has some extras