Is it too late to have a re-fund?

User Rating: 5 | Mass Effect: Andromeda PC

I'll admit, I did not finish the game. Uninstalled it after in the third planet - Havarl - I activated the last of the Remnant devices, because I noticed something - the primary gameplay goal is the same in all of the planets I've been to: 1) set your cargo pod; 2) either on foot or by tank go to destination A; 3) from destination A activate a beacon, fight some giant robots; 4) afterwards, travel to destination B, C and D. Rinse and repeat. In other words, the primary goal is frustratingly boring.

The side-quests are, again, like in Inquisition - MMO type of gathering something, scanning something or killing something without having any reasonable idea why.

The story so far was unappealing to me.

In general, the only good thing about this game is the graphics. Everything else, in my opinion, was 10 steps back.

If this is what to be expected from other BioWare's RPG games, then, unfortunately, they lost me as a customer.