Like always ME has a good story and game play, but this Time a MASSIVE disappointing ending...

User Rating: 4 | Mass Effect 3 PC
I liked ME since the first part, shepard dying in the first part was not a disappointment at all compared to ME 3! because back then it affected shepard himself, and not the whole galaxy and its story. Besides all the available options for the end of the game does not make any sense. All the available options are not that logical! Synthesis? Or stone age, nevertheless the Illusive man was right! Like EA is saying, no more ME, but afterwards they just come up with sort of solution that will match with this terrible end. Not to mention, that the game will end, when you decide to make the final battle on earth, and if you are not aware of that, you can just skip a bunch of missions!
Anyway, what is the problem with the developers of Role Playing Game developers? Did not EA learn from the Failure of Bethesda in Fallout 3? They had to make an alternative end with the DLCs to make the fans satisfied again, and make the game be playable for a while after ending the main story...
In conclusion, ME 3 has a very good Game play, nice graphics, almost only the aspect of the shooter compared to ME 1 or 2 and a fantastic story, that is so fantastic to have such a terrible end.