Single-player is great. Co-op multi-player is very addictive.

User Rating: 10 | Mass Effect 3 X360
The game-play is great from the cover mechanics to the talent trees to the weapon upgrades and armor customization. It is everything I look for in games anymore. It is awesome running around with your favorite characters from the game and that camaraderie is carried back to your ship where you can engage yourself in additional interactions immersing yourself in the world even more. The worlds, the lore, and characters are developed so well and all offer new areas of exploration that you don't find in most other games. Despite the controversy over the ending, I found it to be a nice close to the series although it felt a little abrupt.

The co-op multiplayer is very addicting. It takes time to unlock weapons and characters and whatnot but the randomness of the specter packs makes the whole thing feel like a gamble and forces me to use characters and weapons I might typically not as I am waiting for to unlock the one I want. Working in a group with actual players is fun especially if you are in a group with friends attempting to hone the perfect tactic against a particular enemy set.