the epic conclusion to the best gaming franchise or series lives up to its hype

User Rating: 9.5 | Mass Effect 3 PC
the mass effect series as we all know is the most dramatic story telling experience in gaming industry yet and mass effect 3 lived up to its hype it does every thing that they promised the choice you made from the beginning of the mass effect series do matter and the shooting experience is much more refined and the scale of galactic battle is just awesome and also the multiplayer is really immersive but where bioware disappointed us is that no matter what choices we made the game concluded the same way our choices didn't made any difference when it comes to the end the journey to the ending is different but for all of us it ended the same this is the reason why the game has met with many issues as we know it the cupcake controversy,the indoctrinated theory etc.etc. so they released the extended cut but again it just added to the misery of the players as it just added a cutscene more to the ending with no difference at all but for me and many of us out there the journey to achieve the ending is what matters we didn't spend our hard earned cash to see what happens in the last 5 minutes cutscene we bought the game to enjoy it and immerse in it and for that this game is a perfect deal breaker.