BioWare has simply given up on trying to bring great content to the ME3 universe, and it shows. What a horrible sendoff.

User Rating: 5.5 | Mass Effect 3: Citadel PS3
The last addon for ME3 begins painfully slow, and has a LOT of cons, but the storyline just barely makes it playable.

The premise of this addon has to be one of the DUMBEST things the ME3 universe has presented us with, and that's to say there have been VERY few of those.

Apparently, in the midst of trying to save the galaxy from the Reapers, the Alliance decides that Shepard and crew need some R&R and the Normandy needs a tune up. So, everyone goes on shore leave... REALLY!?

The entire game up until this point has been about tirelessly uniting the galaxy, getting things done as fast and as best as the crew of the Normandy could in order to stave off the impending destruction of all life as they know it... and now they're expected to take some shore leave... and on the Citadel? There wasn't some new vacation planet they had in mind? Sending them on vacation to the Citadel is like vacationing in the house next door. This is just the beginning...

You're given Admiral Anderson's apartment and are told to explore it. Then you're invited to sushi with Joker... so far the game feels like an intergalactic version of The Sims more than ME3. Needless to say, it's pretty damn boring.

You're introduced to a new character named Brooks. She's an Alliance staff analyst who has some pressing news for Shepard. Immediately, she enters the running as one of the most ANNOYING video game characters of 2013... and maybe ever.

You're immediately thrown into some action finally. You're given the CRAPPIEST pistol in the ME3 universe. In order to successfully survive the onslaught of new goons tossing multiple grenades and drones that destroy your shield entirely, you need to go for headshots. You're given little to no ammo, and it's pretty annoying after a while because you'll be dying A LOT. If you don't have a cloak or a LOT of armor, you're gonna be there a while... or you could cop out and turn down the difficulty and hope for the best. I like to play my games on the hardest setting for some challenge, but this went overboard.

I may be skipping ahead a bit, but any mission you're in, you're presented with some kind of new weapon. EVERY SINGLE WEAPON IN THIS DLC IS HORRIBLE. For example, you're given a minigun type weapon to mow down enemies. It takes about 150 shots to take someone down, and you're only given 1000 shots... and that's if they're all headshots. It wouldn't be a problem, except that your 2 choices at the time are the crappy pistol you start with, or the crappy new minigun. FAIL.

Gameplay continues like this for a while... Shepard with barely any armor, little ammo, and unfair odds. Finally you link up with your team and it's more boring story missions...

You find out that people are trying to assassinate Shepard, and pursue clues in order to track them down... You're then taken to a casino where you have to hack into alarms, distract guards, and solve puzzles... more boring crap.

Throughout the story, Brooks refuses to shut up. She goes on and on about nothing and complains like a little girl the ENTIRE TIME. Between her short bouts of ADD, or stupid dialogue, it's enough to make you want to turn the game off entirely if it weren't for the promise of action in the future... or so I had hoped... Luckily, the game did pick up...

While the action was good, it's broken up too much. You get a sense that you're playing ME3 again once you get past a good 2-3 hours of boring, annoying gameplay.

The developers also decided to try and grow a sense of humor, as this DLC has more cheeseball jokes and sidebar dialogue than a bad sitcom. This dialogue wouldn't have seemed to bad if your characters didn't spend the other 99% of the game being as dead serious as they can be. And even if they weren't dead serious all the time, and there were moments of levity throughout the game, what they say is so horribly written and executed that it's almost enough to make you simply turn off the game. It's embarrassing to say the least. I honestly have no idea what the hell they were thinking.

For $15 on PSN, this is a pretty pitiful addon. The content and story were decent, but the cheesy dialogue, annoying characters, and boring non-combat missions simply ruined whatever potential this last and final addon had. I wouldn't even bother, to be honest, unless you're a completionist and want a complete ME3 experience.

After the fiasco with the ending, BioWare simply stopped caring. To them, adding more content fulfilled their promise of having an influence on how the game would end, which was insulting to it's players, to say the least. I certainly wasn't satisfied with their weak endgame content, and I doubt many players were. Since then they've put out nothing but horrible DLCs for ME3. You can tell BioWare stopped caring about the ME3 players and their concerns, and are trying to focus on pumping out more promises they won't keep in ME4 in order to steal players' money.

What a horrible way to say goodbye to Commander Shepard for the final time...