The premise is a little ridiculous.

User Rating: 6 | Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales PS4


- the movement and combat is amazing, just like the first game

- the stealth segments was fun

- venom attacks are pretty cool to pull off

- the game looks beautiful


- the game is too short

- its kind of unfathomable that miles, phin, and miles' uncle are all "super heroes". It's just way to coincidental.

- phin going from a normal student in class to managing an entire gang she controls, is also kind of ridiculous. How did she build all those connections in such a short time?

- I'm not a fan of Miles' voice nor his character. The tone of this voice sounds like a whiny baby sometimes, and he's too indecisive.

- there weren't as many characters and villains as the first spiderman. This felt more like a big DLC than a standalone game.

- despite Phin's suit gives her basically super powers, it's really hard to believe she's able to move the way she does without breaking every bone in her body. Spiderman I get, cause his DNA is enhanced. But Phin is still normal flesh and bones under that suit.

- the little side missions throughout the map were mundane and not fun to play.

- Miles is way too careless about hiding his identity. At this point, the whole city might as well know he's spiderman. Spiderman not being a secret identity kind of kills that secret vigilante justice theme, since the cops can go straight Miles and arrest him or charge him for all the destruction caused. Not to mention people can actually sue him now for his vigilante violence.