LOOK !! Up in the sky ! It's a bird, It's a plane. Nah its just the new Marvel Trading Card Game.

User Rating: 8 | Marvel Trading Card Game DS
Let me say that overall I reall enjoy this game. I have never really played the Marvel card based game so at first it was very difficult for me to hvae any idea what I was doing. After about 3 days of playing it and reading the forums I have started to catch on with how to play. I still have trouble and it is still hard but the fact is I have fun while I am playing so I just stick with it. The cards have great art work and I love how each card has its own description on it. There are many decks to unlock as well as game boards to play on. The super hero gameplay is awesome. I haven't tried the villian side yet but you can choose playing the bad guy on the bad side if you wish so that is a nice touch for some replay value. If you have played the Marvel card game in real life you might be able to pick this up and play with no problem but for me it is still kinda of hard. One thing I didn't like so far was the tutorial. It was useless for me. Overall its a great game if you like card games and super heros or comic books. If any of those things are a interest to you then buy this game for your DS,