It's what every MMORPG shud be. Guilds, Guild Wars, Multi Classes, and even their own fighting stances... AND ITS FREE!

User Rating: 8.5 | Martial Heroes PC
This game is insane. It sets you either as a Monk, Assassin, Warrior, or a Mage. Every class has a different story to tell, life to fulfill, Magic/ability to learn and even their own masters. The Weapon system isn't have bad either. It's casual for ppl who know about these types of fighters. It has a profane between Lawful(Good), or as I call it Justice, or Evil(Bad). Lawful you do quests to help the sick, protect the young, save the innocent and/or stop Evil. Evil: it's all for yourself; you help kill, sacrifice, poison, Assassinate and Destroy. The story line differs, but is similar, with each character, class, and Choice. You can gain Lawful or Evil points by performing the certain quests that will aid your score. You can also gain Fame from doing those same quests, but it's with everything and everyone. There are many ways to add either or both, for tht matter, to your scale. The money system is as WoW; 1,000 Copper=1 Silver, 1,000 Sliver= 1 Gold. You will find currency has no real morel value, except to purchase and sell. As most MMORPG's there are other players. With other players comes the need to band together and stop anyone who opposes them. This, too, costs your need for quests and free time to do most anything else. The game has been updating since it was first released; when I first played it there weren't as many Guilds, Ex-Potions, Magic Abilities, and Paras. You will notice now, all of those mentioned are at extreme rates compared to once I began playing. If you don't wish to do anything on the side, and just wanna live and get stronger and stronger, you'll need to know the basic elements. With every level you get a few skill points, the higher you level, or bigger level you obtain, you are granted these skills for your skill balance. These are much like every MMORPG. You need to learn some of them, and once you do, you are swifted away once upgraded again and again, and so forth. Armor is very basic; coat, pants, hat, mask(in some classes), gloves/arm bands, and jewelry/accessories. Some, if you are Lawful can only be equipped rather than you're counter parts of Evil, or vice versa. Past your need for clothing, comes the need for Weapons. Every class has a different 3-set of weapons. Some stronger, some faster, and the rest for long distance. You will find that when you have different weapons you also get different weapon styles. As long ranged can use poison, slow down, and trap. Strength uses stun, defense down, and Offense up(mostly passive learning techniques). I find this very well oppose to your class magic and passive learning skills in other MMORPG's balances. There are many secrets in the game, and it also has a lot of... vague abbreviations, and odd locations. This game may not look too exciting, but once you're in... you're in. The fighting stances are insane and also the names given and needs provided.