This is the best Mario Kart and DS game ever made. You'll be playing this game for a long time...

User Rating: 10 | Mario Kart DS (DS Bundle) DS
This is definately one of the best DS games right now. If you have a DS and don't have Mario Kart you don't know how much you're missing. First of all this game is so much fun. It's awesome. You could play this game for a looong time. It's that good. The graphics are the best for the DS. Looks better than Mario Kart 64. The sound is also very good. The music is Mario Kart style and sounds awesome. You can unlock three more characters than you start out with. There is 8 cups in all and they bring back a lot of good ones from the past games. There is fun missions to complete that add on to the gameplay experience. They added items too like bullet bill and bloober. Overall this game is just so good. I can't stop playing it. I'm playing it right now. It's 100 times better than double dash and 64 combined. Go out and buy this game right now! If you don't you should be ashamed.